Reconfirmation Plans and Options On October 1, 2019, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration…

Aptitude – Crack Evaluation For Pressurized Cylinders
Due to recently proposed regulation, industry research, and recent pipeline failures, a need exists for an accurate and easy to use tool that can analyze axially oriented cracks present in pressurized steel cylinders with a wide range of material properties (yield strength, flow stress, fracture toughness) and pipe/flaw geometry (diameter, wall thickness, thru-wall or surface crack, crack length and depth) using different methodologies. The tool was developed to calcu-late the predicted failure pressure (from reference standards), deter-mine crack categories, and help establish re-assessment intervals. Many standards and methodologies exist for evaluating axially oriented crack-like flaws in pipe, each with their own respective limitations, boundary conditions, and conservatisms.
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